
This week was kind of weird.  I don’t know what was up or why things were happening like they were.  Maybe it’s because half-term is coming up or maybe it’s the weather.  I don’t really have any idea….it’s just that it seems the kids have been more mental then normal. 


Friday lunch club was absolutely intense.  It was pouring down cats and dogs outside so we had a lot of new people that decided to come in, fair enough.  Of course we can only take a limited number of young people, so a lot of our regulars weren’t able to participate..which sucked.   What sucked even more was that new people decided to misbehave, and basically we just ended up shutting lunch club down early.  It really put a downer on my day because I enjoy lunch club a lot on Fridays.  Then there was more going on outside the classroom which lead to fights, etc.  I mean seriously this was a really weird Friday.  I had one boy who ended up getting really mad at some others that were picking on him, making fun of his mom…so I kicked those guys out and I spent the next fifteen minutes talking to him while he cried..and finally got him to cheer up and be his normal smiley, fun-loving self.  These are the moments where I remember why I use to hate school so much, the drama, and the bullies.   I don’t understand why they get so much gratification out of beating people up,  yeah they may have a bad home-life, or feel like they put themselves on a higher notch being the ‘top’ guy.  You would think they would realize that if they don’t like being treated the same way then why are they treating others like that.  But nooo, it doesn’t register that way.  It’s a top dog world out there in schools, and unfortunately a lot of my favourite young people to work with seem to have issues with a ‘top dog’.   I’m glad though at this moment in time I am there to talk with them on those days where they seem to be put down more then built up. 


I just have this absolute desire to scoop up all of them and put them in this cocoon of everything will be alright and good, and protect them from all the bad that comes their way.  So that the only tears I see are ones of happiness.  It’s going to be so hard to say goodbye to my year 7s, to let them go and not see them through the next years of their life and make sure that they have some kind of positive influence on their life.  


So at this moment in time I have about 15 minutes before I start my part in the fundraiser for the camp to France.   I shall be doing twenty minutes each on a cross-trainer, a bike, a rowboat, and the treadmill.   I’ll be here at the Pearson Centre till two pm doing this.  I would love to say that this won’t affect me physically at all, because I have kept myself exceptionally fit since coming here.  haha i laugh at that notion.  I think overall the cross-trainer,bike, and treadmill won’t be as difficult…it’s the rowboat thing I’m worried about.  My arms are like jelly at this moment in time. 


Plus I have a youth service tonight I’m playing at, so we’ll even see if I can move by that time.  I may be playing out of tune…HA! 


The good part about this fundraiser, is that it’s kicked me back into doing exercise..which I have missed, but it’s really difficult cause by the time I get home from doing youthwork, I’m so tired out.  But it feels good to exercise again.  I really do love it, plus it makes me feel better about myself at the end of the day. 


t-minus 10 minutes.


I need to buy a pair of wellies.   Next week I’m camping with a group of young people.  Knowing the english weather, I’m not expecting a sunny weekend.  I shall look forward to it though.  I hope that it will be a really good time though, and that the teens just don’t run away and do their own thing like past experience says, I’d like to think i’m a cool person to hang out with…lol!


right t-minus 5 minutes

wish me luck.  🙂

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